Thanks, Andreas.
Actually we are looking for very generic answers, even hints, at this
stage.... looking for a starting point, so to say. Something that would help
us commence our study.
Our applications have mostly been small web based application prototypes
which were meant to showcase Zope and our work in specific end-user domains
and addressed small end-user problems. The aesthetics of the applications
were, by and large, secondary. They were not websites and we had commenced
them in 2.x because Zope 3 was not ready at that time. They were commenced
in the period 2001-2004 and maintained through 2006-8. Had we written them
*today*, from scratch, we would have used Grok, probably.
The development and deployment environments were MS Windows versions of the
time. Now we plan to use Linux almost exclusively.
Most of them used DTML rather than ZPTs.
Most used script(python) extensively.
Some used ZODB exclusively, while a few others used RDBMSs alongside.
None of them used ZEO
They used third party Zope products very rarely
One application used SVG extensively.
Two applications were 3 person-years of effort, two others a one person-year
of effort, and others were smaller.
We are planning to rebuild the smaller ones from scratch, using Grok.
The four larger ones we would like to migrate to Zope 2.11 using Python 2.6
(or to Blue Bream, maybe)
We have one application in Zope 3.1 which we would probably extend further
in Zope 3.4 or Blue Bream.
What we have of them are .zexp and .fs files and some installation
The least we want to do is to reinstall the old work in a manner that we
(especially the new programmers with us) would get to see it and take a
decision on each application separately. If there is a way we can install
the applications using the current Zope versions, we would love it.
Thanks and regards
Milind Khadilkar,
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Those are broad questions that can not be answered seriously if you
don't tell us about the kind of application you have built in the past
with Zope and what kind of applications you intend to buildout with
Zope-ish technlogy in the future.
- -aj
Post by Milind KhadilkarHello everybody,
We have used Zope a few years ago... had to stop rather abruptly... and
now are attempting to get back into using Zope.
Most of the work we have done is in Zope 2.7.x, while some work dates
from much earlier versions.
Is it right that we would need to install the *exactly* original Zope
versions ( or is it *major* original Zope version?) to get our old work
up and running?
If we want to reuse that work in Zope 2.13 and continue from there, is
there a transition path without installing old versions?
We also have some work in Zope 3.1. Should we go in for BlueBream now?
What should be the Zope2 learning path for new entrants (fresh out of
college, with fair Python knowledge)?
Advise would be highly appreciated.
With Thanks.
Milind Khadilkar
Zope3-users mailing list
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